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Calling all BAD OMENS fans, Do you want a tattoo for your favorite band but dont know what to get?

Hopefully one of these designs are just what you're looking for.

I have drawn these designs inspired by the songs:

'Mercy'  'Nowhere to go'

'Kingdom of cards'  'They Grey'



I really enjoyed drawing these designs and put alot of effort and love into them.

Whilst i cannot stop anyone screenshotting my art, i would really appreciate it if you purchased the art. A little support goes along way for the work i put into this.

I provide the full colour file, line work for your artist to make their life a little easier and a note with some information for you and your artist in a zip file.


Please email me directly if you have any issues with the files.


This artwork is for personal use only and i would appreciate it if you please did not send the files to others.

I do not apporve of my artwork to be used commercially or for any reasons other than being tattooed.

BAD OMENS Tattoo Flash Sheet 2

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